
Promotional Videos on the Walk of Peace from the Alps to the Adriatic

Walk of Peace―A Journey through History

Walk of Peace: Interreg Project Slam 2020 (Promo Video)

Walk of Peace: Interreg Project Slam 2020 (Playlet)

A Journey of a Young Soldier on the Isonzo Front

A Soldier’s Story from the Soča (Isonzo) Front

Walk of Peace – Kobarid during WW1 in AR

World War I in Friuli Venezia Giulia

The Walk of Peace from the Alp to the Adriatic

Soča Valley – Walk of Peace

The First World War Outdoor Museum Kolovrat


Printed Media

Rudolf Abraham: Of Mountains and Memories; Sloveniaʼs Walk of Peace
Hidden Europe, Summer 2023 (page 2)

Amélie Barthel: Le tourisme international de mémoire
Les chemins de la mémoire, Summer 2023 (page 8)

Erin Vivid Riley: 2023 Is the Year of the Long Walk
The New York Times, 19 June 2023

Damjana Fortunat Černilogar: A Hundred-Year-Old Beauty with an Exceptional Message
Sinfo, March–April 2018 (page 38)

Jože Šerbec: Music to replace the cruel language of enmity
Sinfo, July–August 2017 (page 78)

Sofia Dreisbach: Hüter der Erinnerung
Grenzen im Fluss, 2017 (page 4)

The Walk of Peace from the Alps to the Adriatic (Issue dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the World War I)
Sinfo, June 2014


Radio, TV, YouTube

Aldo Cazzullo: Una giornata particolare – Caporetto: la disfatta e la rinascita
La 7, 25 October 2023

Spuren des Ersten Weltkrieges
Alpen-Donau-Adria, BR Fernsehen, 15 October 2023

From Our Own Correspondent Podcast ‒ The Red Wave That Wasn`t (Nick Huntʼs radio contribution)
BBC Radio 4, 12 November 2022 (from 23:09 min onwards)

Extremsport an der Grenze: Der Alpfronttrail
Laura Dahlmeier beim Trailrun gegen das Vergessen
ZDF, 18 October 2020

On the Battlefield of Caporetto – Exploring the Kolovrat I THE GREAT WAR Special
The Great War, 28 October 2017

Christopher Clark: The Ever Widening War – The White War
BBC Radio 4, 13 January 2016

Pot Miru – Auf dem Weg des Friedens durch Slowenien
55PLUS-magazin.TV, May 2015

Video recording of the ceremonial opening of the Walk of Peace from the Alps to the Adriatic in the square of Trg Evrope/Piazza Transalpina on 21 March 2015.


Online Media

Auf dem „Weg des Friedens“: mit schwerem Gepäck steil bergauf
Workcamp für Erwachsene in Slowenien und Italien – neues Format findet großen Anklang
Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e.V., 17 June 2024

Nick Hunt: Peace and Fire; Walking, war and wildfires in Slovenia
The Dark Mountain Project, 23 November 2022

Kevin Rushby: Vast panoramas and the gleaming Adriatic: a cycle ride in west Slovenia
The Guardian, 24 August 2022

Christian Walther: Diese Kapelle in den slowenischen Alpen ist ein Kleinod
SRF, 12 July 2022

Rebecca McPhee: The World’s Four Best New Long-Distance Hiking Trails
Explorersweb, 9 February 2022

Alex Crevar: How to trek Slovenia: 5 stellar long-haul hikes
Lonely Planet, 7 January 2022

Martina Žoldoš: The Walk of Peace: Europe’s Alps-to-Adriatic hiking trail
BBC Travel, 16 December 2021

Alex Crevar: This new hiking route follows a WWI front line
Lonely Planet, 9 July 2020

(Pressereise) Pot Miru – Entlang des Friedensweges durch Slowenien
#Daheimistlangweilig, 23 June 2018

Veronika Tomanova: Soča Valley Travel Guide: 5 Historical Places you should visit around Soča river, Slovenia
Veronika`s Adventure, 2016

Graeme Gourlay: Isonzo: a brutal First World War front
Geographical, 17 April 2015
